Episode 26 'The Lion King' Review and Disney's Future

Chicago film Critic Don Shanahan breaks reviews the "live action" version of "The Lion King" and we talk about the nature of Hollywood's regurgitation of familiar property for profit over creativity.

Don's Written Review: https://www.everymoviehasalesson.com/blog/2019/7/movie-review-the-lion-king

Chicago film Critic Don Shanahan breaks reviews the "live action" version of "The Lion King" and we talk about the nature of Hollywood's regurgitation of familiar property for profit over creativity. Don's Written Review: https://www.everymoviehasalesson.com/blog/2019/7/movie-review-the-lion-king

Episode 27 The Art of Destroying Your Art

Episode 25 FLASHBACK POD-The Overabundance of Pro-War Propaganda Films